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Project - Fruitfarming
Napsal Jakub Kubačka   
Neděle, 18 prosinec 2016
Project - Fruitfarming
Partners details
Coordinators meeting in CZ
1. Mobility - Romania
2. Mobility - Czech
3. Mobility - Poland
4. Mobility - Portugal
Project outcomes

Project "Role of Traditional Fruit Farming in Regional Development"


Between 10-12.3.2016, there was the partner meeting of project partners in Fruitfarming which is coordinated by our organization. The meeting took place in Opava. The Portuguese organization RUDE was represented by the Mayor of Covilha and Director of the organization Mr. Carlos Pinto and his companion and project manager Mr. Hugo Gomez. The Veterinary and Agricultural University of Bucharest (RO) was represented by Doc. Maria Toader and Prof. Valentin Roman. MSŠZe and VOŠ Opava, p.o. (Masaryk´s Secondary School of Agriculture and Higher Professional School of Opava) was represented by guarantor of international cooperation Ms Radmila Šrajerová and also Mr. Martin Váleček. The last partner, e.g. the school in Polish Kedziedrzyn-Koźle, was represented by the manager of international projects Mr. Slawek Jakoniuk. Natura Opava was represented in the meeting by Jakub and Milan Kubačka. Photo documentation was done by Mr. Milan Kubačka. The three-day meeting was carried out in friendly atmosphere; we managed to solve all organizational matters of the project as well as the meeting deadlines and programs. We agreed our participation in the scientific conference during the June mobility in Romania. We were also negotiating about involvement of the wide public in the context of  promotion, dissemination and workshops in the project. We visited three organizations with which we have been cooperating under the project. Visiting the home environment of Czech organizers and also the home environment and orchard of our colleague Radim Lokoč seem to us very important. In the practice, we could negotiate and show some of our knowledge and accomplishments in fruit-farming. During the informal part of the meeting, we took our partners to visit the Silesian Land Museum, including preparation workshop and depositary. We also visited the Lower Vítkovice area in Ostrava. 

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Aktualizováno ( Pondělí, 19 prosinec 2016 )
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