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Project - Fruitfarming
Napsal Jakub Kubačka   
Neděle, 18 prosinec 2016
Project - Fruitfarming
Partners details
Coordinators meeting in CZ
1. Mobility - Romania
2. Mobility - Czech
3. Mobility - Poland
4. Mobility - Portugal
Project outcomes

Project "Role of Traditional Fruit Farming in Regional Development"

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The project called "Role of Traditional Fruit Farming in Regional Development" is a project aimed to sharing experiences at the level of several different organizations from five EU countries in which the organizations are more or less engaged in the field of fruit growing. The project is aimed to demonstration of possibilities, opportunities and possible ways of development fruit farming (apples, pears, stone fruits or other specific species and their varieties) in connection with education. Always with reference to locality, local varieties or old and classic varieties. In most cases, they are historically proven in terms of resistance and adaptation to particular climate and local conditions. Then demonstrate good practice and "know how", how to do businessin fruitfarming. The main idea of this point is cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices between different institutions devoted to the fruit farming in education. In the whole time of the project duration, we will be working on educational material which will be continue to be used for teaching subjects at schools and educational institutions.

Project "Role of Traditional Fruit Farming in Regional Development" takes place in the period 1.9. 2015 - 31.8.2017 and it is supported by ERASMUS + Program (Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training - KA2). Registration number of the project is: 2015-1-CZ01-KA202-013923. Project buget is 83.100,- EUR.
"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Partners of the project:

Natura Opava - Czech Republic, Edvarda Beneše 30, 747 05 Opava,
CZECH REPUBLIC www.natura-opava.org

Masarykova střední škola zemědělská a Vyšší odborná škola, Opava, příspěvková organizace, Purkyňova 12, 746 01 Opava,
CZECH REPUBLIC www.zemedelka.opava.cz

Rude-Associaço de Desenvolvimento Rural (Covilha e Canhoso), Rua Conde da Ericeira, Covilha 6200-086 Covilha, PORTUGAL www.rude-adr.pt

Universitatea de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara din Bucuresti, Bld. Marasti, Nr. 59 011464 Bucharest,
ROMANIA www.usamv.ro

Zespół Szkół nr 1 w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu, Ul. Skarbowa 2, 47-200 Kedzierzyn-Koźle,
POLAND www.zskk-k.pl
website of the project:
Aktualizováno ( Pondělí, 19 prosinec 2016 )
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