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PROJECT - Leonardo Agropuzzle "in english"
Napsal Jakub Kubačka   
Úterý, 13 březen 2012
PROJECT - Leonardo Agropuzzle "in english"
1. Mobility - Slovakia (reportage, outcomes)
2. Mobility - Czech (reportage, outcomes)
3. Mobility - Greece (reportage, outcomes)
4. Mobility - France (reportage, outcomes)
5. Mobility - Poland (reportage, outcomes)
Partners involved in the project
Products and PDF materials

Project Leonardo "Puzzle for businessmen in agriculture

carrying business in a permanently maintainable way"

................................  logleonardo_20120202_1593930763.jpg 

. Natura Opava is a partner of the project which is based on cooperation of 5 countries and 6 organizations involved in the grant area Leonardo da Vinci - a partnership in a Lifetime learning programme. The outcome of the project Puzzle for businessmen in agriculture carrying business in a permanently maintainable way (Agropuzzle), will be a workbook. The workbook will complete and extend materials  used at schools in specialist courses connected to management, rural tourism and agribusiness.

Furthermore, students can find there information concerning nature protection and management in Protected bird areas and Special Areas of Conservation in their country, which are part of the system Natura 2000. The ppt presentation containing information about the nearest Protected area Natura 2000 will be created. Another part of the project is the collective visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites and agro farms in a host country.

The aim of the project Puzzle for businessmen in agriculture carrying business in a permanently maintainable way - Agropuzzle, is to create supplementary educational materials. In other words, to create a workbook, which will be used in specialist courses connected to management, rural tourism, services in agribusiness and English and German conversation. Another part of the project is the visit to UNESCO World Heritage Sites and introduciton to the system of Natura 2000 in a host country


Common webpage of the project:



Aktualizováno ( Neděle, 18 prosinec 2016 )
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